Sunday, February 27, 2011

"You're Going to India for How Long...?"

Today was a day indeed.
When we first outlined our ‘itinerary’ we decided that we would spend around 3 months in India.  We shared this idea with friends back home, as well as locals here that we chatted to along the way.  Almost always the response was the same- either that of surprise(from locals) or doubt from the people back home.  Their words are starting to ring true, they repeat over and over in my head ‘if you can make it that long!’
I don’t know I am just in a mood or if the words of seasoned travellers ring true.  Is India losing it’s majesty?  I am noticing my patience wearing thin, the experiences that were just that, experiences, are starting to test my patience.  I am longing for different scenery.  This has just happened over that past few days and I hope it passes because India is an amazing country and I would hate to cut my time short simply because I am grumpy.  Let me give you an example of an experience that in hindsight wasn’t all that bad and could have been much worse but regardless, it is a perfect example of the daily life of the backpacker here in India.
After spending a few days in the beautiful city of Jaipur (the pink city) we decided to move along to our next destination.  After doing some reading, we were enticed by the possibility of seeing Bengal Tigers in their natural habitat, also a safari would offer a much needed change of scenery.  We looked into booking a train ticket for the short 2 hour journey to Ranthambhore a few days in advance, which is all you really need here.  We were met by the same Indian attitude when we asked for help with the train reservation.  We were told not to worry, we didn’t need a ticket and just to bloody jump on!!  Um- no, not my style, so instead we went to the train station to make a reservation.
Ha, right!  There is only one train going to our destination daily and all the tickets were booked up.  Our wicket employee sold us a wait list ticket and just told us to board the train as usual.  We were # 58 and 59 on the wait list-lovely.
So, we showed up today to get on the train.  It had made a few stops before ours and was already packed to the brim.  Picture the Indian trains you see on T.V.  You know the ones, where the people literally hang out the doors and balance between the cars.  Yeah, that was our train!  So we pushed our way through, luggage and all and managed to find a seat.  Well, in all honesty, we didn’t find it, because we are white tourists someone gave theirs up for us.  So we sat, thank god for only 2 hours, the two of us, smooshed onto one seat.
I really wanted to take a picture to post but I always feel somewhat uncomfortable taking photos of day to day situations.  It makes me feel rather high and mighty, so I refrained.  That didn’t stop others from taking them of me.   Staring, and staring, and staring in close proximity for hours.  There were literally people in every nook and cranny, squating on the ground or standing.  Two weeks ago I would have found this experience interesting, a great opportunity to live like another person, in another life.  Today, it just pissed me off!!
So, on a positive note, we arrived in Sawai Madhopur safe and sound.  We found a grummy hotel to spend the night, so at least we have a roof over our heads.  Tomorrow at 5:30 am, we will be ready to see tigers and hopefully have an experience of a lifetime.  Now lets just hope we can catch a train outta here tomorrow night!!

I don’t have any pictures of this particular train ride but I do have one of the  awesome, empty, beautiful ride from Delhi to Jaipur.

1 comment:

  1. awww man, elise, sorry to hear about your shitty day. i'm sure it's just your mood. just like people have bad days at home, you're going to have bad days travelling....not everyday is going to be perfect. you have the right attitude about it all in the end, which is good. i can't wait to see pictures of the tigers! enjoy!!


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