Friday, February 11, 2011

My New Game

I thought I would take the time to tell everyone about my game that Dan and I play in India.
First a little back story......

When we finally landed in India, after a long, long, long journey, we left the terminal to look for our driver.
Thankfully, he was there to pick us up but only after a little looking and a little freaking out did we actually find him ;)  Then we drove, through Delhi on our way to the city of Khanna where we would be staying for the next few weeks.

Delhi was CRAZY!!  We only drove through it but it was absolulty shocking to see.  Yes, we were just off the plane, tired and excited but I saw so much in that 45 minute stretch out of the city.  I saw poor people and I mean poor, not Canada poor but India poor.  I saw mothers begging with small children, crippled men just trying to get by.  Cows, in the middle of the street and dogs- everywhere!  After witnessing all that there was one thing that I saw the most of- which brings me to the story of my game....

I saw men peeing- everywhere.  I made a comment to Dan that I had seen more men peeing in 10 minutes than I had in my whole life in Canada.  EEEWWWW!!!!!  Seriously, they pee everywhere.  There is a level of decency, in that they do at least turn their back to the street but really- gross.
So, I made my game.  It follows the same rules a 'punch buggy', if you are familiar with the game.  If you are then I assume you understand the difference.  It was all fun and games on the first day.  Now- not so much.  Your sleeping on the bus- punch.  Relaxing in a car, enjoying the drive- punch.  This I think could get outta control fast!

I do have to mention that we were on a bus yesterday, making our way back to Khanna from The Golden Temple, when Dan puched me three times in a row.  Agh- I asked if it was a outdoor urinal that I had missed(yes, they have those here) and he said NO.  It was a toddler, on the side of the road, doing his business.  I won't go into details but Dan felt that it deserved three punches, not just one.  Ha Ha- Sick!


  1. i told you i had a good name for your blog! this post confirms that "the poo diaries" or whatever other random bathroom ideas i had at the time were totally valid!

  2. Yeah I know, you were right! :) Seriously, our days kinda revolve around bathrooms and showers.


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