Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tonight at Dinner

Dinner was an interesting experience this evening.  Dan and I went to a small eatery on the outskirts of the Grand Bazaar in Delhi for the second time because last night was tasty, cheap and our service was quick and honest.  Tonight, that wasn't the case.

We have done some travelling before and have noticed that in many cities restaurants have people outside trying to 'entice' you to eat there.  They bring you in and if you stay they will receive a small commission.  We decided to eat at this restaurant on our own and after talking with the guy outside, he brought us up and seated us upstairs, where we were all alone.  He took our simple order and left.  We decided to move downstairs as we like the company and chit chat of the locals.  Then our order came and it was WAY more than we had asked for.  Luckily, we have done this before and were on the ball enough to stop him in his tracks.  I was annoyed and needless to say we weren't going to pay any extra for what we had not ordered.  On top of the fact that I was sick and miserable, my dinner was also ruined  :(

Then something happened to lift my spirits!  A lovely Sikh gentlemen was sitting alone at the table next to us.  He had said hello but because of my crappy mood and state of health, I didn't feel like talking much.  While Dan and I ate our meals, we noticed a beggar walk by.  The gentleman waved him in, asked him to sit down and join him for dinner.  The service men where not impressed, for obvious reasons but where firmly told that the beggar was his guest and to bring him some food!  The gratitude on the mans face was priceless.

After our dinner we took the time to chat with the gentleman and unfortunately we did not get his name.  He was residing in Australia but back home to see his family in India for three months.  I was very happy to have taken the time to talk to him as he made my night.  After feeling down right crappy all day and being super annoyed with my evening, I was still reminded of the beauty of humanity.  It is all around and you have many, many opportunities to see it if you take the time to look and notice.

Love, Love, Love is all you need!

1 comment:

  1. it really puts things in perspective when you witness things like that, eh? sorry to hear about your crappy day, but glad it turned around.


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