Monday, January 31, 2011

How to Lose 10 Pounds

Don't come to India!! :)

Well, I guess that's not entirely fair- we are westerners, and we do eat like them.  It's so hard to say no, the food is so good here.  Back home Danny and I LOVED Indian cuisine, but in India it's way, way better.

Now, I know that the Green movement is the new way of life in Canada, and over the past few years we have been making an effort to eat locally grown produce and cut back on packaged, over processed foods, but when was the last time you saw an actual milk man? 

Here in India, the women take time to cook- they don't work outside the house, so you do have to keep that in mind.  The meals are cooked, then eaten, the bread fresh and hot right off the skillet.  Oh, and the Chai, the Chai!!!!  I was lucky enough to get a lesson in the art of making an actual REAL cup of tea, but to be truely honest I don't know that I would take the time back home to make it.  It's sad really.

We have lost sight of the importance of family dinners, home cooked wholesome meals for the daily grind of work and stuff.

So here is your challenge.... Grab the ladies of the household- men too- and make a meal from scratch.
Grind your herbs and spices, 'cause the smells will make you smile!  Have a meal with your loved ones, and maybe even your neighbours.  You will feel great- I promise! :)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


We are white-have you noticed?  Now that you see, would you like a picture?
How 'bout 100 pictures....

Our Indian friends back in Canada warned us that we would be the centre of attention here in India, but we didn't expect this.

Danny and I had the great honour of attending an Anniversary Celebration on our first day in India-and shit can Indians party!  Whiskey anyone?
Are you sure now?  How about now?  More, More, More.

There is something you might not know about me- I LOVE DANCING, but dancing Indian style all night, I could not do.  Especially after all the whiskey!!  It's an odd feeling when your dance moves are being watched- by everyone.  Danny and I have some awful dance moves, a little of this, a little of that.....just awful!

Lesson learned in India on day one....

-get used to being gawked at all the time
-if you're a drinker in Canada, don't say so 'cause you won't be able to keep up!!!
-if you're camera shy you're S.O.L!
-nod and smile when you don't understand.  I did a lot of nodding and smiling:)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Should I Roll?

.....or should I fold?  I'm talking about my clothing in my luggage- gripping.
Danny and I are backpacking rookies but this I do know, we are both folders.

I have done my reasearch about this very topic and I find that the majority of people in the budget travel world suggest rolling your clothes over folding- But why?

I rolled my clothes the first time I packed my bag and the were all messy, wrinkled and I don't feel that I saved any room in the process.

So after all my rambling, here is my question for you......and by you I mean Lisa:) 
On a side note, I wanna give a special shout out to my lovely friend Lisa.  You are my first- follower :P

Do you roll or fold?
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