Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What is that Smell?


It’s happening- Dan and I are turning into backpackers.

I had a vision of myself and of what I would be like while I travelled the world.  I knew that I didn’t want to dress as I would normally, back home in Canada, nor did I want to totally dress as a local either.  I find it kinda weird, it looks silly when you’re white and dress like a Indian, in Indian clothing.  I am reminded of what my brother used to call me- ‘ a poser’- thanks Nolan.  That has stuck with me forever- bully.  Aside from that, I didn’t want to be a backpacker either.  No flowy cotton skirts or baggy pants with crotches that fall to your knees.  It’s tempting though, I found myself looking and pining for the wrinkly, shapeless clothing of the gypsy.  Well, it happened today- I succumbed to my temptation and bought a long, long flowy skirt in a floral, bright orange and red pattern.  Now before you judge remember, it can be made into a dress :) right, right, I know, how could I resist?  Multi purpose is what the backpacker is all about.  At $3, how could I say no?

So there you go, the realization came to me today in full force.  When you wear flowy hippy clothes and wear your undies twice, once the right way and once inside out, you have turned.  You lose a sense of hygiene that you would normally have back home.  A shower is something you only have every other day or so and bathroom conversion is how you meet new friends :)  Back home in Canada you wouldn’t have a cup of chai over a stimulating story of the hunt for a toilet.  Here, it’s not only hilarious but a great bonding experience.

So, I feel I am a FAR cry from dread locks but when Dan says “what’s that smell” and the first thing we do is smell each other, we are reminded just how far we’ve come, both figuratively and literally.  I love it!


  1. i want a picture of this skirt! oh and on your traffic feed when you see Pinellas Park, Florida...that's me. I don't know why, but apparently i now live in florida...i wish.

  2. yeah, sharing toilet stories(successes and, for some, failures) here in Vietnam has been quite common. You're right, there's definitely been some bonding over it.


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