Ha Ha…I think Dan misses our kitties, or maybe he just really likes cats.
I decided to do a post showcasing some of Dans cat pictures that he has snapped while on this trip. They are numerous. I turn around, Dan is taking a picture of a cat. I hear him say “awe” and I know he is looking at a cat. Maybe a crazy cat women reborn into a crazy cat man. Dunno.
Cat on some island in Malaysia. Dan loved her ‘cause she looks like our kitties :)
Cat in Thailand. Dan also loved her ‘cause she looked like Cairo- one of our kitties.
We were in Luang Prabang, Laos when Dan spotted this cat, playing with a lizard. Poor lizard. I had to watch this gruesome sight for close to an hour.
Cats in 4000 island, Laos. Why do we always have cats around us?
OK- this kitten was adorable. She was quite the character and offered hours of entertainment on Phu Quoc, Vietnam. Dunno if you remember the post with the baby monkey? Well, they were friends.
I have no idea about this cat….I don’t think we met.
Dan still talks about this picture. He is really proud of it.
Awe. Ok, I loved this little cutie in Dahab, Egypt. I might have suggested Dan take a photo of her.
A kittie sleeping on Dan’s shoe while we were eating in Dahab. Cute.
Cat Mummies at the Egyptian Museum, Cairo.
A friends cat in Cairo. Dan literally took 10 pictures or more of this one.
A cat at a Mosque in Fes, Morocco.
This Momma cat was so adorable. She brought back a whole sardine to her small kitten. Marrakech Medina, Morocco.
Last but not least, a cute kitty at Dades Gorge, Morocco.
Ha Ha Dan, I love you even if you are a crazy cat man.